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Arkose Labs
Command Center

Arkose Labs offeres a fraud prevention service. The customer portal & dashboard, called Command Center, is where our customers can come find more information surrounding the detection side of our solution. This includes self-service features we are currently building out in a beta version of the project.


Role | Design Lead

Tools | Figma + Zeplin + Maze


Goals of the Command Center

Create an intuitive, data-driven command center that provides comprehensive visibility into fraud detection metrics and empowers customers to optimize their fraud prevention strategy.

The goal is to build trust and strengthen customer relationships by giving users greater control, transparency, and understanding of the fraud landscape through the command center. This centers around four key objectives





Phase 1: Dashboard

Display an overview of real-time fraud detection metrics and KPIs through interactive visualizations. Deliver a responsive, accessible dashboard optimized for ease of use and understanding.

The initial phase of the command center aims to la
y the groundwork for advanced functionality while already enhancing customer self-sufficiency and understanding through valuable fraud data insights. The focus is on an intuitive user experience that drives adoption and makes fraud prevention management accessible.



Competitive Research

The main goals are to gain insights into how other software tools solve problems and address use cases relevant to Arkose Labs, in order to identify lacking features to customize the portal and dashboards. 

  • User authentication flows and anti-fraud/abuse prevention

  • Visual presentation of analytics data and metrics

  • Integration with other tools and platforms


Competitive analysis:

  1. Comparing specific portal features and dashboard designs to see how they enable key use cases

  2. Evaluating strengths and weaknesses to uncover potential gaps or lacking functionality

  3. Assessing user feedback and reviews to understand pain points and user needs

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 I presented annotated wireframes to stakeholders, walking through key screens and functionality while relating the layouts back to original goals and requirements. I solicited open-ended feedback, inviting discussion on usability and areas for improvement. Follow-ups included sending an interactive prototype and maintaining communication to iterate further based on suggestions. The goal was gaining qualitative insights early to align on direction.


Final Designs

Based on research and testing, I recommend building the portal and dashboards in a modular style with reusable UI components. This will allow for greater customization and extensions in future phases.


Focused initial development on core workflows, self-service analytics, and flexibility in response rules. Build with future admin personalization and controls in mind. Continued user testing will be critical to ensure we are meeting needs as fraudsters evolve.


All UI pieces were built out into components and added to the Arkose Labs Design System that we built custom from the ground up. 

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Phase 2: Portal

Goals and Challenges

The next phase of the Arkose Labs portal focuses on empowering customers with advanced self-service functionality for fraud management while maintaining ease-of-use. This includes configurable alert rules, investigation toolkits, user and account admin controls, and customizable reporting dashboards.


With Phase 2, Arkose Labs is delivering the most robust self-service fraud management portal to give clients greater ownership over fraud mitigation. This positions the platform as an all-in-one command center with advanced capabilities minus the friction. As fraud techniques advance, the portal will continue expanding.

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Phase 2: Vanity URL

Goals and Challenges

The goal is to simplify the complex process of generating tokens and keys to integrate Arkose Labs bot detection into a client's website. This normally requires intricate back-and-forth communication and configuration.Instead, the proposed vanity URL design will abstract away these technical details behind a customized short link. Clients can simply enter their desired "vanity" URL, and the system will automatically configure the proper keys and tokens to enable Arkose Labs.Some benefits include:


  • Simplified setup for clients, no need to understand tokens or keys

  • Customized vanity URLs improve branding and recall

  • Automation reduces manual work for both clients and Arkose Labs

  • Flexibility to update configurations without changing client-facing URLs


The implementation utilizes a redirect service to map the vanity URLs to the Arkose Labs API calls for generating keys and tokens. Additional components could include a configuration database and manager service to track and provision the tokens/keys.By hiding the complexity behind easy to use vanity URLs, clients can painlessly integrate Arkose Labs into their websites and immediately strengthen their anti-bot protections.



Flow Diagrams

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Final Iterations

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